6th Biennial Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference
New York University New York City, NY, United StatesERCC2017@NYU Conference Theme: Equity through Community Engagement: Each year the ERCC identifies a theme for deeper examination. ERCC2017@NYU conference is asking participants to renew our commitment to equity as a core emphasis of our practice while exploring the extent to which community engagement activities contribute to equity in our local and global communities. We aim to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise when we commit to equity in our institutional principles, practices and outcome objectives; and to learn from our efforts to do so thus far. Conference proposals are being accepted through November 18, 2016. Framing Questions: How are community engaged scholars, practitioners, and students building their own skills around diversity, social justice, and equity? Where are the needs for improvement? In what ways can a focus on equity inform the design of community engagement programs? How are campuses assessing the inclusivity of community engagement practices and/or the extent to which equity-focused outcomes are being achieved? Eastern Region Campus Compact...