12 Things You Can Do In 10-12 Minutes

The upcoming 2020 census has been estimated to take 10-12 minutes to complete. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, 525,600 minutes in a year, and 5,256,000 minutes in a decade. Relatively speaking, 10-12 minutes is nothing! Here is a list of things that you can do in 10-12 minutes, to illustrate how carving out 10-12 minutes this upcoming April, to complete the 2020 census, can be so easy!
- Go on a walk. In 10-12 minutes, at a brisk pace, it should be easy to cover just about a mile in the distance. Fresh air and a bit of movement never hurt anyone!
- Make yourself breakfast. Whether it be oatmeal or an omelet, it takes under 15 minutes to make yourself a nice breakfast and get a great start to the day.
- Call a friend or loved one. In the day and age of texting and social media, sometimes it’s nice to still phone a friend and hear their voice. It could be an old friend from high school, a new friend that you’ve just met, or even your sweet old grandma. Giving someone a call to chat for a few minutes could brighten your day, as well as someone else’s.
- Read a chapter in a book. Depending on the book, in less than 15 minutes, you could read a chapter. Or, you could read a short children’s book to a child. It’s easy to keep your brain sharp with literature!
- Do something creative. Whether it be painting, sketching, doodling, writing a poem, or singing a song. Taking 10-12 minutes to let your creative juices flow can increase happy chemicals in your brain, which is never a bad thing!
- Listen to a guided meditation on Youtube. It could be a morning meditation for positive self-affirmation, or a meditation to ease test-taking anxiety. Taking 10-12 minutes to clear your thoughts and pay attention to your breathing is always good for the soul.
- Write a thank-you note. Writing a hand-written sentiment is a lost art nowadays. Taking 10-12 minutes to write a sweet letter to someone that you care about will show them that you’re grateful for their presence in your life.
- Take a power nap. Wherever you are in life, sometimes you can feel tired. It doesn’t matter if you’re a college student, an adult with a 9-5 job, or a busy parent. Taking less than 15 minutes to take a short little nap can recharge you with some energy and allow you to relax for a short while.
- Do some self-care. In 10-12 minutes, there’s a lot you can do for yourself. Perhaps a quick face mask, a fingernail trim, or a few minutes of stretching, self-care is self-love, and self-love is essential!
- Write in a journal. In less than 15 minutes, you could reflect on your day, set future goals, or make a list of what you’re grateful for. Writing things down is a great way to be aware of our thoughts in the moment, and it’s always cool to look back on what you’ve written in the past.
- Go through the clothes that you don’t wear. In 10-12 minutes, you can take a quick scan of your closet and pick out the shirts that you haven’t worn in years. Then, you can plan to take them to a local donation bank for people who would love to have the threads that you’ve outgrown.
- Listen to a few of your favorite songs. Music is a lovely thing, and we’ve all got some favorite songs that remind us of fun times or make us feel happy. Taking 10-12 minutes to listen to some of your favorite songs can brighten your day and leave you humming a happy tune.
All in all, 10-12 minutes is enough time to accomplish all sorts of things. Taking 10-12 minutes to complete the 2020 census is not only a meaningful exercise in civic engagement but also helps your state get an idea of where funds and representation need to be distributed. This upcoming census will be available online for the first time ever. Here at Campus Compact Illinois, we urge you to take 10-12 minutes to partake in this historic census that will be available on April 1, 2020. Every completed census truly matters, and we thank you for taking 10-12 minutes to do your part!