Some things you do during quarantine to lift your spirits
Hello, We hope as you are reading this in the comfort of your own home that you are safe and staying positive and safe in these tough times. As a country, and as a planet, we will get through this. At this point, social media is one of the only ways to stay connected, and in this ever-shifting paradigm, social media platforms can be a daunting place. At Campus Compact Illinois, we encourage you to stay safe, stay home, and stay positive. That being said, here are a few things that you could do to pass the time as you…
February VISTA Spotlight
I had the pleasure of interviewing ex-VISTA LaNae Edwards. LaNae used to be a VISTA at Illinois Joining Forces, an organization that provides many types of care, support, and resources to veterans and their families when they need it. I had the opportunity to catch up with her and get to know what she is up to nowadays, professionally. As a VISTA, LaNae worked as the organization’s community outreach liaison. While in that role, she worked with the senior director of development and she set up meetings for potential partnerships, helped with social media engagement, assisted with community outreach initiatives…
12 Things You Can Do In 10-12 Minutes

The upcoming 2020 census has been estimated to take 10-12 minutes to complete. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, 525,600 minutes in a year, and 5,256,000 minutes in a decade. Relatively speaking, 10-12 minutes is nothing! Here is a list of things that you can do in 10-12 minutes, to illustrate how carving out 10-12 minutes this upcoming April, to complete the 2020 census, can be so easy! Go on a walk. In 10-12 minutes, at a brisk pace, it should be easy to cover just about a mile in the distance. Fresh air and a bit of movement…
Meet The Interns!

Meet our new Illinois Campus Compact interns! The new interns at Campus Compact Illinois have been working hard on our fellow’s program in efforts to increase census education and awareness on college campuses. They are all students at Chicago’s Adler University and this internship is part of their Social Justice Practicum. Kevin handle social media, Derek is the web designer, and Nolynn does blog posts. Adler University is an institution that holds heavy importance on its students becoming socially and culturally competent mental health professionals. The Social Justice Practicum (SJP) is a 200-hour internship that places students at sites throughout…
Illinois Campus Compact: 2020 Census Update

Hello from downtown Chicago! We are Campus Compact Illinois and we are working to increase awareness and education surrounding the upcoming 2020 census in historically hard-to-count areas. It’s already the end of November, and *spooky season* is long gone; however, the scariest thing of all is that the state of Illinois has lost a seat in the United States House of Representatives after every census since 1960. EEK! Illinois is also projected to lose another two seats, if we don’t exercise our civic duty by participating in the upcoming census. Illinois losing more seats would mean a lack of representation…
2018-2019 Webinar Series
Campus Compact’s 2018-2019 webinar series takes the great and varied work happening on the ground around the country and brings it straight to your desk. Topics touch on issues of relevance to faculty, staff, students, and their partners in education and community building. Be sure to tune in to each session for information, tools, and resources to support and inspire you. The 2018-2019 webinar series is being offered free of charge, but all attendees must register. Register To learn more details about the webinar series and register please visit Campus Compact’s page here.
Reflections on the Thomas Ehrlich Award by Andrew Furco
The following letter is a guest post by Andrew Furco, Associate Vice-President for Public Engagement and Professor in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development at the University of Minnesota. Andrew Furco is the 2012 recipient of the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award. By Andrew Furco Receiving the Thomas Ehrlich Award in 2012 was truly an honor. This award, in particular, has meant a great deal to me. I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Ehrlich in 1992, while a graduate student at UC Berkeley working on my dissertation on service-learning. And meeting him was a turning point for me — one that changed the course of…
Illinois Campus Compact is now hiring team members for our 2017-2018 VISTA service year.
VISTA members with Illinois Campus Compact work to advance the public purpose of higher education by connecting campus and community in Illinois. They create opportunities for service based experiential learning and civic engagement, interrupt the cycle of poverty by supporting low income and first generation college students, and create college readiness in underserved communities by working with tutoring centers.