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Let’s play Votes & Ballots: Creating quality action plans for democratic engagement through gamification (Webinar)

In this webinar, participants will be introduced to Votes & Ballots, an interactive activity that takes the guesswork out of on-campus democratic engagement. Players are tasked with creating a comprehensive action plan while keeping in mind their institution’s historical voting rates (via NSLVE data), their resources, and the unique challenges faced by student voters. Votes & Ballots has been primarily played among students and staff, but, with an eye toward deepening faculty engagement, a Votes & Ballots: Curricular Edition is in development. Participants will learn about multiple ways through which they can incorporate Votes & Ballots into their work and…

Voter Engagement Networking Event


Illinois Campus Compact invites you to a Voter Engagement Networking Event hosted by University of Illinois Chicago! This event is for all higher education faculty and staff to gather and share their work around voter education on campuses throughout Illinois. We will be providing lunch from 12:00pm – 1:00pm during a panel discussion about available resources featuring CEEP, State Matters, and Ballot Ready. From 1:00pm – 2:00pm there will be networking for participants to connect with staff and faculty from other institutions doing similar work. Registration is free and lunch will be provided. See you there!