Illinois Campus Voting Challenge
The Illinois Campus Voting Challenge is a nonpartisan competition among higher education institutions in the State of Illinois committed to increasing student voter participation and engagement for the November 3, 2020 general election.
Campus Compact for Illinois is facilitating this voting challenge in collaboration with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, a national nonpartisan nonprofit that supports more than 650 colleges and universities to institutionalize nonpartisan democratic engagement.
Awards will be based on campuses’ National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) reports generated by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education at Tufts University. There will be several award categories for both 4-year institutions and 2-year institutions, awarded based on student voter participation in the November 2020 election using data from the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement, (NSLVE)
Participation in the Illinois Challenge will automatically include participation in the national ALL IN Challenge and awards competition. Chicago based institutions will also be entered into the Chicago Campus Voting Challenge being administered but America’s Urban Campus. Institutions that opt into the Challenge will be provided guidance and tools to create an action plan for increasing student engagement on their campus. There is no sign-up cost to participate.
If you have questions you can email Ryan Drysdale, assistant director of the ALL IN Challenge (ryan {at} civicnation(.)org).
How do I get involved?
- Campus Administrators: Follow this link to join the challenge!
- Students: Interested in getting your school involved? Email Natalie Furlett nfurlett {at} compact(.)org!