Content with Institutions : Loyola University

A Focus on Faculty: Practical and Research-Informed Strategies for Faculty Development in Community Engagement (Webinar)

As S-LCE professionals, many of us are adept in navigating the complexities of working with students, community partners, and broader members of the community. Often, our work with faculty partners and academic departments can be more daunting, in large part due to a dearth of frameworks guiding this work. Building upon the presenters’ recently released edited volume, Reconceptualizing Faculty Development in Service-Learning/Community Engagement, the overarching goal of this session is for participants to analyze and situate their work with faculty partners in an array of best practices, institutions emerging with ideas, resources, and support structures that advance S-LCE faculty development…

August Membership Spotlight- Loyola University

In 2015, Loyola University Chicago put a strategic plan into place called the 2020 Plan. The development of this plan started with the question, “How do we, as a university, live in and for this social reality and use our influence to transform it?” In answering this question, Loyola decided they must think of themselves more as a transformative agent, rather than a group of schools, departments, and programs. In one of their steps to make a positive impact on their community, a year and a half ago Loyola initiated Schools 2020. This program, directed by Mitchell Hendrickson, works with…